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Image by Bibhash (Polygon.Cafe) Banerjee
Image by Miguel Alcântara


Our projects cover a diverse spectrum of initiatives, the roll-outs of which we determine by need and the availability of funds. We believe that maximum impact is achieved when due focus and attention are placed on one particular project at a time to ensure each project's success.

Image by Miguel Alcântara
Fusion Centre


A wildlife and marine life conservation Fusion Center will be a pivotal hub for sharing information, coordinating efforts, and conducting analyses. It will bring together various stakeholders and agencies to effectively combat wildlife trafficking and other conservation threats. The primary goals of the Fusion Center are as follows:


Integrate Intelligence:

By combining data and information from different sources, such as law enforcement agencies, conservation organizations and research institutions, we will identify patterns and trends in wildlife trafficking and poaching. Our specialized software will be able to obtain information and links to potential smuggling events and to assist law enforcement agencies to execute positive reductions in poaching.


Enhance Coordination:

Our center will facilitate tight collaboration and communication among agencies, organizations, and countries to coordinate efforts, share resources, and to launch joint operations.


Support Strategic Planning:

We will provide expert analyses and calculated recommendations to inform and update conservation strategies, policy decisions, and enforcement actions.


Foster International Cooperation:

We aim to create and facilitate global collaborations, the sharing of best practices and the expertise to address transnational wildlife crime.


Conduct Research and Analysis:

We will stay at the forefront of emerging threats, trends, technologies, and research to continuously improve conservation efforts.


Provide Training and Capacity-Building:

Our Center will offer comprehensive training and capacity-building programs for conservationists, law enforcement agencies, and other stakeholders to enhance their skills, knowledge and aptitudes.


Support Incident Response:

We will serve as a central point for responding to wildlife crime incidents, providing expertise and resources as needed. By uniting the diverse expertise of our stakeholders, our Fusion Center will significantly strengthen the collective response to wildlife conservation challenges, ultimately helping to protect and preserve threatened species and ecosystems.

Image by Miguel Alcântara

"Protecting and conserving our biodiversity, as well as what's left of our precious wildlife and marine life, is the essence of our vision."

​Colonel (Hon) Raymond Kramer - Founder and Trustee


Zebras in Wild
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