Our Corporate Governance policies are crucial and integral to ensuring transparency, accountability and effective decision-making, enabling us to fulfill our Mission and responsibilities effectively. By adhering to these comprehensive corporate governance policies, we ensure that our Trust operates with the highest standards of integrity, accountability and effectiveness, ultimately allowing us to achieve our mission and to
serve our stakeholders responsibly.
Board of Trustees
Our Trust has a diverse and competent Board of Trustees responsible for setting strategic direction, overseeing operations, and ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards. Our Board members are highly experienced and knowledgeable, bringing relevant expertise in conservation, finance, legal matters, law enforcement, fundraising, remuneration and other areas pertinent to our Mission.
Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct
Board Evaluation: a process for regular evaluation will be made of the Board’s performance, including individual trustees and committees, to ensure continuous improvement and effectiveness. We uphold strict ethical standards and a defined code of conduct for trustees, staff, and volunteers. This includes guidelines for conflicts of interest, confidentiality, integrity, and professional behavior.
Financial Oversight
Budgeting and Reporting: The Board oversees the budgeting process, financial reporting, auditing and internal controls, ensuring the prudent use of resources and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. Sound financial management is essential for our viability and credibility.
Risk Management
Identifying and managing risks are crucial in the safeguarding of the Trust's assets, reputation and Mission deliverables. Assessing risks related to conservation projects, fundraising, governance, legal compliance, and external factors such as political instability or environmental threats are of paramount importance to the Trust.
Transparency and Accountability
We are transparent in our operations, finances, and decision-making processes. Operational transparency includes providing stakeholders with access to information, annual reports, financial statements, and governance policies. Regular communication and reporting ensure accountability to donors, beneficiaries and the public.
Stakeholder Engagement
Engaging with stakeholders, including donors, beneficiaries, local communities, government agencies, partner organizations, will foster collaboration, build trust, and enhance the effectiveness of our conservation efforts. Our inclusive participation policy with our stakeholders is formulated to solicit feedback and involve stakeholders in decision-making processes. This, in an effort to enhance the effectiveness of our
collaborative conservation efforts.
Compliance and Legal Obligations
Legal adherence and compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and contractual obligations is paramount. Areas of compliance will include legal requirements related to charitable status, tax-exempt status, fundraising, environmental protection, data privacy, and employment practices. We will undertake regular reviewing and updating of governance policies to adapt to changing legal, regulatory, and operational environments.
Strategic Planning and Evaluation
Strategic plans that outline our goals, objectives, and action plans to guide our activities will periodically be reviewed. Regular evaluation and performance monitoring will be undertaken to help us to assess our progress, identify areas for improvement, and adapt strategies to changing circumstances.
Capacity Building and Professional Development
Training and Development: we will provide ongoing training and development for trustees and staff as well as mentorship programs; knowledge sharing forums; professional development and capacity-building exercises. Our investment in the up-skilling of our staff, trustees, and volunteers will enhance our organizational effectiveness and contribute to a skilled and motivated team.
Adherence to Best Practice
By following recognized best practice models in governance, conservation and nonprofit-management, our Trust ensures that we operate efficiently, ethically, and in alignment with industry standards. This may involve seeking accreditation,
certifications, or membership in professional associations.

We believe that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) are crucial aspects of our wildlife and marine conservation efforts. Ensuring diversity within conservation organizations fosters a richer array of perspectives, which can lead to more effective solutions to environmental challenges. Equity ensures that everyone, regardless of background or identity, has fair access to opportunities and resources within the field. Inclusion ensures that all individuals feel valued, respected, and included in conservation efforts.
We promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in the following ways:
Diverse Representation:
We endeavor to ensure that our organization's leadership, staff, volunteers, and partners reflect diverse backgrounds, including, but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, age, socio-economic status and special needs.
Outreach and Engagement:
We implement outreach programs targeted at underrepresented and disadvantaged communities to increase their participation in conservation activities. These programs involve community-based initiatives, educational programs, and partnerships with local organizations.
Access to Opportunity:
Our Trust is committed to availing individuals from diverse backgrounds with opportunities for involvement in conservation work through internships, scholarships, and training programs. This might include, as needed, providing access to accommodation, financial support or mentorship.
Community Collaboration
Collaborating with diverse communities and stakeholders in conservation decision-making processes will build trust between parties and will ensure that every community’s voice is heard and its perspectives are considered.
Cultural Sensitivity and Competency Training:
Our training initiatives for staff and volunteers include cultural sensitivity training, multicultural inclusivity practices, examining unconscious bias, and inclusivity communication competency, to ensure that all individuals are treated with dignity and feel welcome and respected within the organization.
Inclusivity Policies and Practices:
Our Trust will regularly review and revise organizational policies and practices to remove barriers to integration and to promote inclusivity. This shall include flexible work arrangements, language accessibility, and accommodations for individuals with special needs.
Evaluation and Accountability:
The Trust undertakes to regularly evaluate the organization's progress on DEI goals and to hold Management and Leadership accountable for promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the organization.
By prioritizing diversity, equity, and inclusion, we believe we can strengthen our conservation efforts and contribute to a more just and sustainable future for human settlements as well as for wildlife and marine ecosystems.